Stallion Comparison

Here you can compare two advertised stallions*

Find the stallions for comparison from the lists in each of the columns and then click compare. 

N.B. If one of the stallions selected has less than 5 crops of racing age, the equivalent first racing crops of their career will be compared. If both stallions selected for comparison have 5 or more crops, the last 5 racing crops will be displayed.

*All data in the comparison results is from Northern Hemisphere runners. Stallions selected for comparison need to have both racing and sales data for any data to show.

Stallion 1

Stallion 2

Stallions for comparison

Stallion 1
Stallion 2

Why Advertise Your Stallion

Each Advertised Stallion comprises:

An Overview • Stud Record • Sales Record • Race Record • Pedigree Record